Recently John & I visited a WW2 museum in Falaise, France. (The birthplace of William the Conqueror). It was the scene of bitter, German resistance at the end of the war. Much of the town was destroyed. When digging the foundations for the new museum they discovered rooms of a house, complete with contents, albeit destroyed by bombing. Many objects were retrieved and displayed. A short documentary was made about these excavations.

As we approached the cinema to watch the film, doors opened electronically. I was not expecting to be faced with a room in total darkness with the actual site in question beneath a glass floor – in effect a scene of death and destruction. I hesitated on the threshold. John took his place but I still hadn’t moved. Then the doors closed and locked. I missed the moment!
I heard the Holy Spirit say:
“More and more doors will be opening then closing quickly. Be alert, look for them, see them in the spirit and step forward.
Don’t miss your moments!
Step up your level of boldness,
Sharpen your senses in the Holy Spirit and be alert to opportunities”.

2 Corinthians 3 V 12 – “Since we have such a hope, we are very bold.”
Joshua 1v9 – “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
Over the coming week look out for those doors and have boldness to step through them. The doors may be an opportunity for a conversation, an act of kindness, service, sharing your faith story, offering to pray for someone as much as “life decisions doors” such as what job, home, responsibilities to take on etc. Doors may open when we least expect them to.
Ask God to sharpen our senses in the Holy Spirit and particularly to open our eyes to every opportunity. Is anything dulling our senses?
When we do recognise an opportunity – let’s be bold!
Ask God for that boldness and courage to step forward. It might be the unexpected timing that throws us. Or, a situation that is so familiar and is one you have tracked with for years.
Believe God is moving.
We make mistakes, sometimes we push open a door ourselves, or we don’t move. Everyone has done this. God is gracious and a kind, forgiving Father. Yes – we often live with consequences. The Sat-Nav booms out when we make a wrong turn driving. A wrong turn in our lives and there’s a bit of “Re-calculating” to be done and we take a different route. If you can’t shake the “weight” of wrong choices – come to God today and cut loose.
Wider Vision
Let’s continue to pray for the Ukraine.
Much of the suffering of the persecuted church is every bit as traumatic as the war we see on our screens every day but this is not even reported as news.
Pray for the church in Nigeria and West Africa. Thousands are being displaced, threatened and killed. These brothers and sisters could teach us much about courage.
Pray for the hidden away church in Afghanistan and North Korea. Remember India where Christians lives are made difficult.
18 May 2022