Bible Reading & Meditation
Start your prayer time today by reading Romans 8:28-30; 2 Cor. 3:18; Col. 3:1-10 (especially verse 10); James 1:23-24.
Spend a few minutes meditating on the fact that you (yes – you, Christian) “have acquired new creation life which is continually being renewed into the likeness of the One who created you; giving you the full revelation of God” (The Passion Translation – TPT). Stand in awe before God, your loving heavenly Father, and let him impress upon you what he wants to say to you today:
Prophetic Focus
Hear what the Spirit would speak directly to your heart:
You may feel like a weak and tiny kitten, but I tell you that the seed of lion-hood has been sown in your soul. When you gave your heart to me, my Spirit invaded the realm of your spirit and began the lifelong process of rescue, reclamation and renovation. Revel in it, rejoicing that you bear my image and that what you are is becoming ever clearer as you yield to Jesus.

It’s time to grow a mane. It’s time to see yourself the way I see you. Where you see failure, I see a future filled with potential. Where you see a spark of faith, I see the start of a mighty blaze, and I fan it into flame.
It’s time to learn Kingdom language; no longer a meow, but a roar of restoration and reality. When you say “can’t” to yourself, I speak “Jesus” into your ear. Together with my Spirit empowering you, you can! Together we can defeat any foe. Lion-hearted you can find the courage to stand strong and speak Jesus into any situation.
It’s time to learn the ways of the Lion. One day you will reign alongside my Son in the Kingdom of the Lamb. Together, “you are God’s chosen treasure—priests who are kings, a spiritual ‘nation’ set apart as God’s devoted ones.” (1 Pet. 2:9 TPT)
When you feel weak, then, Jesus helping you, you are strong (2 Cor. 12:10). Jesus is the Name above all other names and your enemy must flee at mention of it (Phil. 2:9-11). Speak Jesus! Roar his name!
Worshipful prayer time
Let the following video lead you into his presence:
Speak Jesus into your heart, mind and spirit. Speak Jesus into every difficult situation that you face at the moment. Speak Jesus into your past, present and future. Speak Jesus as you thank him for his love and care. Trust him to meet every need and calm every fear. Speak Jesus at morning, noon and night. Speak Jesus and let his image shine from every part of your being. Speak Jesus!
Finally, join with this group of Jewish Christians in praising Almighty God:
(Since their fellow Jews who have not yet accepted Jesus as the Messiah, find “Lord” and “God” almost blasphemous, they show respect and sensitivity by printing “L-rd” and “G-d” instead.)
05 Oct 2021