
40 years ago, 8 people met in a house in Stockton to talk about who the Holy Spirit was, after one man had experienced instant healing. After a few weeks of meeting, there were 22 people and soon they had to rent somewhere to meet as the house was not big enough. Now we are a church of 850 and God continues to grow us. He continues to live among us and to change lives.

On Sunday 6th March 2022, we celebrated together as we looked back on all that God has done in that time and looked to what he has called us to in this season and the next. We thanked God for countless stories of where he has taken the small things that we have done or given and has multiplied them to advance his kingdom.

So what did you love about our 40 year celebration?

“It was just amazing! It was great to see the Church full and everyone just jumping about and worshipping God together. We have an amazing history and God is still at work, changing lives today.” 

“I loved the energy in the worship. IT really helped me to connect with God. The whole morning was a faith builder – looking back at God’s faithfulness over the years made me think ‘wow, what is next God?'”

It was such a joyous occasion! The seed planted 40 years ago, growing to be what it is today just blessed my heart. I’m so honoured in being part of this fantastic church family.

11 Mar 2022

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