If you’re wondering what’s popped up in the corner of the carpark alongside the Oakwood Gardens, it’s Three13 Training’s latest resource. Through funding from The Clothworkers Foundation, Benefact Trust, Bernard Sunley Foundation and The Gosling Foundation, the 98m2 cabin will provide us with a new workshop space, allowing us to both extend our current offer and provide new learning opportunities from this September.
What is it for?
Tackling the increasing cost-of-living, throwaway culture and its negative impact on our environment, one of our goals is to build capacity among local people to fix household items and learn how to maintain their home themselves. The cabin will provide the perfect environment in which to do this. Delivered in small groups as part of our wider curriculum, a series of new workshops will increase confidence, improve problem solving skills, foster community and be a stepping stone into further vocational learning for those who struggle to engage with mainstream education but are looking to move forward into employment.
As part of this delivery, we’re looking for more volunteers to join the team. Could you give us four hours a week to share your faith? Do you have practical skills you could pass on? Has God given you a heart for sustainable, radical care for His Creation (people and planet!) If the answer to any of those questions is yes, please email Matt to express your interest and find out more.
“It’s really exciting for us as a team to see this ministry grow physically. Join with us in praying that the cabin is not only a great asset but it transforms lives with the gospel.” Ste McFarlane
16 Jun 2023