As TVC Church, our lives are framed by one simple aim – to know God and be known by him. This has many expressions throughout the week, but on a Sunday, we come together as one community of believers to worship God together and to explore his plan for us in the here and now. A big part of that is through a sermon that is Bible based and brought by somebody who has spent time asking God what he wants to say to his people.
This Sunday, we begin a new teaching series together. We have given it a title that will draw it together, as many talks that all point to the one thing – that we are anointed by God to take his message into our communities.
Each talk will have a slightly different focus as we look at what it actually means to be an Anointed Messenger and how that looks to us, living in Teesside in the year 2023. Each talk will be based on a passage from the book of Acts, which is in the Bible and was written after Jesus had risen from the dead and ascended into heaven.
Now, if you were joining with us throughout the Autumn, the title ‘Anointed Messengers’ might sound familiar to you. That is because at the end of October, our senior leader, Martin Dunkley, preached to us from the book of Isaiah 61 on ‘The Anointed Messengers’. This series will unpack this vital area of the ‘Isaiah 61 calling’ that God has given to us as Tees Valley Community Church – by this we mean that which we believe God has asked of us, as described in the book of Isaiah.
At the point in history that Acts was written, the church was growing at a crazy rate as the good news of Jesus and the impact that he had on this world, spread rapidly. It is also interesting for us to study this book together in light of what God has spoken to us as a Church. You can read all about this in the ‘vision’ part of our website (which you can find if you click here!).
We are really excited about what God wants to do in us and amongst us in this season. Join us each Sunday as we travel through this series together and come expectant that you will catch something from God for you and for your life.
For more information about our Sunday gatherings and for what to expect, click here.
20 Jan 2023