lady on stage with arms raised in worship

Gordon Smyrell felt compelled to write the following and invites us to declare this together as we worship together on Sunday 7th May 2023.

Maybe you’d like to take some time to read, digest and meditate on this before, or after our Service…

As I remember your agonising death on the cross, I humble myself before you, almighty God, and I pledge my whole heart to you, in loyalty and commitment.  

I declare that you are worthy to be called King over all kings, Lord above all earthly authority.  

I declare for all to hear, that you are Creator of the universe and Sovereign over all you survey.  

I acknowledge once again, your right to ask whatever you want of me, for you have paid the ultimate price to ransom me from sin and death.  

I declare that I am yours, to do with as you will. 

I declare that I am your loving and faithful servant; all that I have is yours, and I place it at your disposal.

I declare that neither the devil nor any of his servants can stand against you, and that he who is in me is greater by far, than he who is in the world.  I declare my belief that together, you and I, enabled by your indwelling Holy Spirit, are more than conquerors.  All strongholds MUST give way before you.

As I celebrate the established fact of your resurrection, I declare that Jesus is alive today and living in me by the power of his Holy Spirit.

I declare that your resurrection has set me free!  I declare that I am free!  I declare that I am no longer held captive by my past; no longer bound to repeat the mistakes of the past.  No longer destined to despair of life itself.  My hope of life eternal is sure and certain, because you rose to sit at God’s right hand.

I declare that you have set the captives free, and whoever the Son sets free IS free indeed.  I declare that I will do all that you ask of me, in order to bring your freedom to the people of this region where you have placed me.

I declare that I will never again let my circumstances control who I see myself to be.  

You have declared us to be your treasured possession, a royal priesthood, and a nation of people set apart for your use.  I declare that I will work shoulder-to-shoulder with my brothers and sisters in this church family to bring about your kingdom in this place.

I declare that as your beloved child, adopted into the family of God, I will never make light of my inheritance.  I have a birthright, given to me by my Father in heaven, and I refuse to undervalue or despise it, because you paid dearly so that I might benefit from it. 

I declare that I am a child of God, called by his name and marked by his Holy Spirit to be his witness to all who hear my voice.

I declare that I am not ashamed to be called your child.  I am not ashamed of Jesus my Saviour.  I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ.

I declare that I am your anointed messenger of good news to all people.

I declare that I am a willing disciple of Jesus the Christ, sworn to serve and obey him in everything.

I declare that I will seek to bring glory to God in all I think, say or do.

Christ is Lord, Hallelujah!

05 May 2023

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