children looking into a mirror with words of identity written on

Last Sunday, we were graced with the presence of many little Princes and Princesses at our Sunday service! As well as it being mega cute – there was very good reason! Our Illuminate children celebrated a royal banquet, in the grand finale of their current teaching series ‘I am Royalty!’

The children have followed this mini-series for the past 4 weeks and have been learning about Royalty in the bible – like King David and Queen Esther. They have also been learning about their Royal identity as Sons and Daughters of the king of kings and have been encouraged to follow in the footsteps of these hero’s of the faith in love, justice and faithfulness.

The penultimate week of the series called for action; to pray for our King and those in Authority: 

“I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them. Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity. This is good and pleases God our Savior”

1 Timothy 2:1-3

The children in Spark and Neon, prayed faith filled prayers for King Charles III, Liz Truss and her successor. This seemed incredibly timely as it turned out to be the one Sunday in between Liz Truss stepping down as Prime Minister and Rishi Sunk beginning his service to our country.

Some of the prayers included: 

‘For the King and Queen to Know and follow you, to make the right decisions,’

‘For the right Prime Minister, to be filled with Wisdom’

‘Having a healthy mind’

‘Please let the King know God is with him, God will Help him, God is with him.’

We thank God for our children and believe that God not only knew the timings of their group sessions, but that he heard their prayers and will be faithful to them.

This week, we are sending the prayers to King Charles and to the Prime Ministers – so that they may read them and to be encouraged that we are praying for them as they govern our country. 

This week, our children begin a new series which focusses on The Holy Spirit and how they can live with Him and work through Him. This series will take them up to Christmas. We are excited to hear stories of how our children will continue to move forward in faith.

As the amount of children that we meet with weekly continues to grow – we are looking for volunteers who could be part of our Illuminate team. If you are passionate about seeing these children grow in their faith then please click here to get in touch.

03 Nov 2022

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