a man sitting with arms raised

Connect groups are missional communities that exist to connect with those who are on the edges of community.  As TVC Church, we run two Connect Groups in conjunction with local charity Junction 42. 

Our connect nights begin by us eating together and enjoying getting to know each other.  We then worship God together and hear from somebody of their encounter with God.  Everyone is welcome and will be made to feel at home. You can find out more about connect communities here.

Our Middlesbrough Connect group runs each Monday night from 7.30pm on Linthorpe Road in Middlesbrough and our Stockton Connect group runs each Wednesday night on Alma Street in Stockton.  We caught up with our Connect leaders to ask how it was going…


Middlesbrough Connect is Booming! We have around 60 people attending each week and we are now finding that our new faces quickly become regulars – who then bring their friends.  We regularly see people make their first commitment to Jesus during our Connect evenings, as well as people being healed and people beginning to hear God for themselves.  We encourage people to get up and share what God has been talking to them about or to take their turn on the microphone and to tell us their story.  

Out of our connect Group, we are now running an Alpha course, where people can explore ideas of faith and bring their questions.  We are also running a Bible study for those who are ready to delve deeper into their walk with God.  Throughout it all, we are seeing not just friendships, but lives that are being transformed by the power of Jesus.  Many people who come to Connect are working to overcome addiction.  With this there are often many ups and downs, but we give for so many moving in the right direction, as they take their steps with Jesus.


We are so excited to see what God is doing through Stockton Connect.  It has been over 2 years now since we started meeting outside on Shaftsbury Street, to pray and worship together.  During this time, we have seen many people come to know Jesus and we are thrilled to be journeying with those from this community during our weekly Connect meetings.  Recently we have led a 4 points course and Alpha Course with those from the Connect Community. We have loved seeing people come to faith and it’s a joy to continue to journey with them as we look at the Thrive discipleship material together.  We recently celebrated our first baptisms and are ecstatic to see whole families being impacted by the Gospel.  

On the Ground…

Here is one story that we heard recently from a guy who is being impacted by what he sees and hears of Jesus at Connect:

“I used to just come here for the free food.  I am an alcoholic.  I was drinking up to 11 bottles a day.  Since coming here, I have made new friends – they are like a family.  I talk to different people and hearing peoples stories here about how lives are changed, really got me.  I have now reduced my drinking to one bottle a day, thank you all for just caring, its not about free food anymore!” 

How amazing is that? This guy is experiencing first hand the love of Jesus. Let’s pray for him and for those like him that they will encounter God powerfully and begin a lifelong journey with him.

How can you get involved?

First of all – you can pray! Pray that God’s transformative power would be at work throughout every gathering. Pray for those leading the groups, that God would sustain them as they reach out to those inn need.

Visit – go and see what it is all about!

  • Middlesbrough Connect – 7pm each Monday at The Methodist Church on Linthorpe Road.
  • Stockton Connect – 6.30pm each Thursday at The Moses Centre, TS18 2AP

Volunteer – Could you be available once a week to just chat to people, befriend or maybe pray with people? Head to the Play Your Part page and get in touch to volunteer.

15 Jul 2022