If you are new to TVC Church, we would love to spend some time with you, getting to know you and helping you to connect in to Church life, both relationally and practically.
As a Church, we have been running Belong groups at over the past few years. They are for those who are seeking to Belong to TVC Church, as well as those who are ‘just looking’ and would like to find out more about who we are and what is important to us.
Belong groups are really informal. We usually begin with just a chat and getting to know each other, before looking over a chunk of our church vision and values. Groups run for three weeks and when they are complete, our team will help you to connect in to church in whichever way you choose.
If you are looking to join a community group, then Belong is where you begin! Sign up for a Belong group, get to know a handful of leaders and others like yourself and then we will help you to find the perfect group for you.
To find out a bit more info, head to our Belong page where you can also sign up to join the group. Or, if you are ready, just sign up below!
We look forward to getting to know you!
31 Aug 2022