a man smiling after being baptised

Find Hope In Jesus

God really is with us and you can connect with him today!

I’m ready!

Simply invite God into your life. Take a moment to read and pray aloud the following four stage prayer, or if you prefer use the video and pray together with Martin, Senior Leader TVC Church.

Believe: I believe God created me and loves me. I believe God, out of his love, sent his Son Jesus to personally die for me on the cross. I believe Jesus suffered in my place. He took on himself the judgment and death that should have been mine.

Admit: I admit I’ve lived life for myself rather than for God. I admit I’ve lived in a self centered rather than a God centered way. I admit I’ve lived how I wanted to live rather than how God wanted me to live. This has wronged God. I’m sorry to God for having lived that way.

Commit: I commit to changing the direction of my life. I commit to live for God rather than myself. To live with Him at the centre rather then myself. I commit to live according to God’s ways and standards rather than my own.

Receive: Having believed, admitted and committed I now receive the three gifts God promised:

  1. The gift of Forgiveness (for all my wrongs)
  2. The gift of Adoption (God has brought me into his family. I am now his son/daughter)
  3. The gift of the Holy Spirit (the one who brings Gods presence and power into our daily lives)

Thank you Lord Jesus, Amen

Today is a special day, there is no choice in life as significant as the one you have just made – we’re thrilled for you! As it tells us in the scriptures: Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here (2 Corinthians 5:17).

Next steps

  1. Begin to read the Bible. If you don’t have one at home, you can download the bible app on your phone or use an online version. It can be intimidating to start, but take it a day at a time. Perhaps start with John’s Gospel in the New Testament or use the some of the resources on this website.
  2. Continue talking to God. You can pray anywhere and at any time. Just like a parent is always ready to listen to whatever their child has to say, so God is eager to hear what’s on our hearts. Just start talking to Him as you would your best friend.
  3. Let someone know that you’ve said ‘yes’ to God. Tell us, complete the form below and someone from our team will be get in touch within 48 hours.