
Join us this Sunday as we continue to look at where we have come from and where we are going to as a community of God’s people, here in the Tees Valley.

This Sunday, we continue our ‘People on the Move’ series and Terry Young will be speaking to us about ‘Following a Living God.

We will have plenty of time for worshipping together and enjoy our continued sense of freedom now that restrictions have been lifted, to sing and jump about as we celebrate all that he has done and all that he continues to do!

A reminder of the recent lift in restrictions:

You do not need to book in this week – just turn up! Our service begins at 10.30am but as we are expecting extra people, do come early to claim your seat!

You do not need to wear a mask to enter the building! However, if you do wish to wear a mask, you are very welcome to do so. We will continue to have one designated section so that all those wishing to wear a mask can sit in the same place. This will be the only area in which we will be encouraging social distancing.

We will be serving refreshments after the service so please stick around for a cuppa and biscuit (totally free of charge of course!). Everyone is very welcome.

Come and have a chat too! Our stewards will all be about and can be identified by their green lanyards. They are always happy to answer questions and just love to meet new people, so do go and say hi!

We will not be passing around an offering bag, but those who wish to give to all that God is doing through TVC Church, can do so at our giving point, as well as the usual online options. The giving point can be found in the foyer and includes the opportunity to give by cash or card.

We will no longer be asking you to social distance – so if you have been dying to hug your church family then, yes, you can! Just have a little check first that they are happy to hug, before you launch in – the last 2 years has changed us all in different ways.

Children and Youth

Birth to 11 years

We love that we are a multi-generational church! We really hope that you will bring your children along to celebrate with us. We begin the service all together and then after roughly 15 minutes, our children will have the opportunity to go to their own groups which are in different areas of the building.

It is important that all children are registered at our welcome desk on the way in. Please arrive by 10.15am so that you can get children registered and you can get a seat before the service begins!

This is to comply with our safeguarding policy – safeguarding children and those who are vulnerable is something that we take vey seriously. Stewards will point you in the right direction and our children’s team will be on hand to help your children to settle.

To find out more about our children’s work, click here. 

11 to 18 years

Our young people will gather with the adults in the auditorium for the first few songs before heading over to the Acorn suite for their Youth Service. If it is your first time with us then please ask a steward to help you find the way! Our youth and youth team will be really glad to meet you!

To find out more about our Youth work, click here.

We hope to see you there!

Whether you come regularly to The Oakwood Centre, or are brand new, everyone is very welcome to worship with us each Sunday morning – so come along!

If you are brand new to us, check out our Sundays page for some more info and what to expect.

Our service will also be streamed online via YouTube and Facebook for those who are not able to join us this week.

25 Mar 2022

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